Adrianna Musialik-Tomczyk

Adrianna Musialik-Tomczyk, Attorney and Counselor at Law, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of University in Wrocław as well as Department of German Philology, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. She is a member of the District Chamber of Legal Counsels in Opole. She is an active member of many art associations. Adrianna Musialik-Tomczyk specializes in legal advisory in the course of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and establishes capital structures in various jurisdictions with the use of vehicles such as companies. She specializes also in litigation management, advisory and day-to-day services connected with court cases in the field of civil law, business law, bankruptcy law. Additionally, she has experience in carrying out enterprise restructuring processes in accordance with bankruptcy procedures, civil law and corporate law.

In addition, the Office deals with the conduct of litigation of family law.

SPECIALIZATION: mergers and acquisitions (M & A), corporate law, real estate, litigation and arbitration, family law.

CONTACT: E-mail: Tel. +48-660-710-998.